
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Little Lady In Charge

Pam: I’m at this big conference and I’m getting a little tired of the patronizing pats on the head I’ve been getting.

Ann: What do you mean?

Pam: You know in my industry I'm outnumbered 100 to 1, men to women. I swear, every time I’m introduced they say, “And here’s the little lady who REALLY holds the power in that company. She’s the REAL boss. Right Pam?”

Ann: It sounds like they’re trying to pay you a compliment.

Pam: Maybe. But most of the time it feels more like there’s a bit of ‘wink, wink’ going on among the men. Sort of, “Let’s throw her a bone and make her feel important, but we know she's just the person who takes care of the details. We men are the real big picture thinkers!”

Ann: You’ve slipped into your super-cynical mode.

Pam: No, really. Their tone reminds me of when we used to tell our two-year-olds how much help they’ve been with folding the laundry. But not being two, I’m actually offended by it.

Ann: Yeah, I’ve been there. In my pre-mom professional days when I was a chemical engineer, I was telling my dad and uncle about a pilot plant I was designing. I was proud of my team and the new technologies we’d developed. My uncle’s response to my career accomplishments was, “How cute!”

Pam: Did he pat you on the head and give you a lollipop too?

Ann: Practically! I was insulted, but I let it go because I figured he still saw me as the little girl he used to hold upside down to make me giggle.

Yeah, my grandfather used to do the same thing to me. One time, I took my new puppy to see him, eager to impress him with my dog-training abilities. I put the little dog through his entire repertoire and I couldn’t wait to hear my grandfather’s praise of my hard work and talent. But his reaction to the impressive performance was, “Smart dog ya got there!”

Ann: Yeah, men who knew us as children sometimes seem to have a hard time seeing us as competent women. I guess a competent dog is easier to accept.

Pam: So how do you explain the men at the conference who have only known me as an adult? They keep giving me these condescending pats on the head.

Ann: Maybe they’re hoping you’ll wag your tail.

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