
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Beelieve It Or Not

Ann: You’ll never believe what happened to me today.

Pam: Now what?

Ann: I guess I should stop opening a conversation that way. Nothing I say shocks you any more.

Pam: It doesn’t seem to stop you from trying.

Ann: Hey, these things aren’t my idea. You know that saying? Something about having greatness thrust upon you?

Pam: Yeah.

Ann: Well, I have freakishness thrust upon me. It’s not like I seek out these crazy things.

Pam: Oh, I don’t know. I thought only opposites attract. So what was it this time?

Ann: I was out running some errands when Hannah called to tell me there was a bee in the house. You know she’s not one to overreact but I could tell she wasn’t likin’ the idea of sharing the house with a flying, stinging insect.

Pam: Who could blame her? So wha’d ya do?

Ann: I told her to go to her room and close the door and I would take care of it as soon as I got home. I cut my errands short and went home. Luckily, I keep wasp and hornet spray in the garage so I armed myself and walked in the house.

Pam: How brave of you. Did you find the bee?

Ann: Yeah, I did. But it was already dead, lying in the middle of the floor so I grabbed the vacuum and sucked it up. I called to Hannah that all was safe when all of a sudden, I heard a buzzing sound. I looked up in the skylight and there was the bee.

Pam: The one you sucked into the vacuum? How’d that happen?

Ann: A couple of years ago, Troy vacuumed a screw and put a big hole in the hose. Ever since then, half of what I vacuum shoots out the back.

Pam: The bee was playing opossum? He shot out the back of the vacuum? How creative.

Ann: That’s not the word that came to mind at the time. It was so weird. So I yelled to Hannah not to come out yet, I got the spray and killed the bee. This time I made certain he was meeting his maker before I sucked him up.

Pam: So all’s well that ends well.

Ann: Not so fast, Shakespeare. I had just given Hannah the all-clear when, are you ready for this, I heard buzzing! AGAIN!

Pam: You’re kidding. The bee still wasn’t dead? First a opossum and then a cat with nine lives? That’s one crafty bee.

Ann: I was baffled. I looked up in the skylight and there was that darn bee. And then I saw his twin… and his triplet… and his... Well, you get the idea. There were at least five bees buzzing around the skylight.

Pam: Oh my gosh! Where did they come from?

Ann: I have no idea. But even worse, I have no idea how to get rid of them. Any suggestions?

Pam: Have you considered training them? You’ve heard of a flea circus. You could have the world’s first BEE circus.

Ann: Ah, a bizzzzzness opportunity. I like it.

1 comment:

Shootist said...

You, of course, have a bee's nest in the attic/overhang.

Have fun.


Tell A Friend Script provided free of charge by ITistic Inc..