
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Geography 101

Ann: Do you remember the game Trivial Pursuit?

Pam: Yeah, we used to play that at parties all the time, but that was years ago.

Ann: Yeah, back in the 80s. Well, there was one category that always made me feel a huge gap in my education.

Pam: Which one?

Ann: Geography! I never did well in that category and it made me crazy. So much so, that I started studying maps just so I wouldn’t feel so ignorant.

Pam: Games are supposed to be fun, not make you feel stupid.

Ann: I know! And I always blamed my high school for not giving me a stronger background. But lo and behold, it wasn’t just my high school.

Pam: After 30 years you just figured that out? What happened?
Link to Amazon store of Board Games
Ann: Ironically, it was another game. Joe and I were playing Pictionary last night with his daughter, Tina and her boyfriend, Danny.

Pam: Family game night – how sweet.

Ann: Yeah, we always have a blast. And I’ve never seen Joe laugh so hard as when we’re playing Pictionary. It really is a hoot.

Bear with me while I set this up. You really need to get a feel for how the evening was going before I hit you with the punchline.

Pam: I’ll be patient.

Ann: At one point, Danny draws a very good likeness of a cracked egg and taps on the part in the center.

Pam: That had to be yolk.

Ann: It was, and of course Tina got it, no problem. Then Danny hands the card to Joe and says, “That’s right isn’t it?”

Joe bursts out laughing and hands the card to me. And there it is, very clearly printed… y-o-k-e. Link to Alan Cooper's Homonyms

Pam: Oh, you’re kidding. Did you give it to them anyway?

Ann: Yeah, it’s a friendly game after all. But we couldn’t let it pass without explaining to them what a real yoke is.

Pam: I swear I remember learning that in about 4th grade. Aren’t they in college?

Ann: Yeah. In fact, Danny just graduated. But it gets better. We’re moving right along and the game is pretty close. It’s Danny and Tina’s turn and Danny’s turn to draw again. He picks a card and starts drawing a map of the United States.

Pam: Ah, the geography.

Ann: You got it. So he draws a line of mountains near the eastern part of the United States and you know what I’m thinking.

Pam: The Appalachians. Seems easy enough. Tina didn’t get that?

Ann: She gets really excited and shouts out The Alps and Danny, just as excitedly says, “That’s right”.

Pam: What?

Ann: Joe and I just look at each other and Joe says, “Let me see that card.”

He looks at the card, says “Unbelievable,” and hands the card to me. Sure enough, it says Alps.

Pam: So they both think the Alps are in the United States.

Ann: Well, you would think. Here’s where it gets into the realm of so sad you just have to laugh.

Pam: I can’t wait to hear this one.

Ann: Danny looks at us in all seriousness and says, “I know the Alps aren’t in the United States but I knew Tina would think they are. They’re in India, right?”

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